Testing Ductwork: A Comprehensive Guide to Ensure Efficiency

When it comes to testing ductwork, the process is relatively straightforward. To begin, turn on the air conditioning system and return to areas where ducts can be accessed. Check the connections between each section of the duct and place your hand on the metal. If you feel air in your hand, the connection is loose and there is an air leak.

To check for holes and leaks, look for visible holes, bent or twisted ducts, and loose connections in the ductwork. This can be done with the naked eye or with a flashlight to make it easier to detect any issues. Duct testing involves sealing an entire ventilation system and then pressurizing it to determine how airtight it is. Technicians measure how much air pressure escapes from ducts and then track locations so they can repair or seal them.

HVAC duct tests are used to detect leaks in ducts. There are two types of duct tests: duct pressure or leak (DP) tests and outdoor leak pressurization (LTO) tests.

Duct Pressure or Leak (DP) Tests

DP tests are used to measure the amount of air leakage in a system. This test is conducted by pressurizing the system with a fan and measuring the amount of air that escapes from the system. The fan is used to create a pressure differential between the inside and outside of the system.

The amount of air that escapes from the system is then measured using a manometer.

Outdoor Leak Pressurization (LTO) Tests

LTO tests are used to measure how much air leakage occurs when a system is pressurized from outside. This test is conducted by pressurizing the outside of the system with a fan and measuring how much air escapes from inside. The amount of air that escapes from the system is then measured using a manometer.


Testing ductwork is an essential part of maintaining an efficient HVAC system. By using DP or LTO tests, technicians can accurately measure how much air leakage occurs in a system and identify areas where repairs or sealing may be necessary.

Regularly testing your ductwork ensures that your HVAC system runs efficiently and effectively.

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