How Long Do Ducts Last?

The life expectancy of ducts is typically between 20 and 25 years, but they start to deteriorate after 15 years. This can reduce the efficiency of the air conditioning system, so it is best to replace them. Pipelines usually last 10 to 15 years in most homes. If your ducts are over 15 years old, it is important to replace them in order to prevent pests, voids, and drafts, and ensure the temperature in your home is always comfortable. You can extend the lifespan of residential ducts by scheduling regular air duct cleaning with professionals.

The functional lifespan of a flexible duct system is between 10 and 25 years, according to industry articles, blogs, and chat rooms. Most flexible duct manufacturers guarantee their products for about 10 years. Let's discuss the longevity of flexible duct systems and the opportunities they offer. Quality HVAC ducts have a maximum lifespan of 25 years, but many systems start to show signs of wear and tear after 10 to 15 years. To know your current status, identify potential problems, and get an estimate of the remaining time, it is best to have HVAC professionals inspect the ducts.

Cleaning and repairing air ducts can extend their lifespan, but they usually need a major replacement every 15 years to work correctly. In most areas of the country, approximately four out of 10 households have flexible duct systems beyond their lifespan that need repair or replacement.

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