Sealing Leaks in Ductwork for Maximum Efficiency

When it comes to sealing leaks in ductwork, there are a few different methods that can be used. The most common and effective way is to use putty or metal tape and insulate any ducts that can be accessed. Adhesive tape should never be avoided as it is not durable enough to provide a secure seal. To ensure a tight fit, a layer of silicone caulk should be applied along both edges of the duct joint.

For round ducts, aluminum foil tape should be used instead of adhesive tape. Despite its name, it is not approved for duct sealing and will not last in the long term. Sealing air ducts offers many advantages, such as improving airflow efficiency and preventing outside air or dust from entering the pipe. Aeroseal is an effective method for sealing ducts as it spreads throughout the pipe. It is recommended to seal manually with fiberglass mesh tape and putty, and the duct material must have an internal air barrier. In order to save money, some people opt for a self-made air duct sealing technique.

However, this can be difficult for beginners, especially if they want to access hard-to-reach areas or when there are leaks hidden behind drywall. A much better long-term solution would be to ask a professional to apply liquid rubber sealant through the system. In humid conditions, the sealant needs more time in the tunnel to dry, requiring slower airflow or a longer tunnel. Another option is to use an aerosol-injected acrylic sealant which is an effective way to eliminate leaks in ducts when combined with manual sealing of other easily accessible areas. Professionally sealed comfort delivery systems are considerably airtight on all seams and connections. No matter which method you choose, having properly sealed ducts will help you balance the air temperature in your home and improve air quality.

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